Procurement Entity: The Early Childhood Commission (ECC)

Project Name: Procurement of Consulting Services for Restructuring of the Early Childhood Commission

Reference#: NCB#ECC-2025-03-10

The Early Childhood Commission (ECC) invites you to submit a proposal as per the requirements of the Bidding Document.


The general objective of this consultancy is to conduct an organizational review including:

  1.  Review of the current institutional framework of the Early Childhood Commission and conduct a prior option;
  2. Propose a functional profile of the organization;
  3. Propose an organizational design model/structure;
  4. Develop proposed position descriptors and specifications;
  5. Propose human resource requirements;
  6. Draft a Cabinet Submission for the establishment of the Early Childhood Commission for Cabinet’s consideration and approval



Criteria include but are not limited to:

• Valid Tax Compliance Letter (TCL)
• Master’s degree in a field related to Public Sector Governance and Management, Strategic Management, or Organizational Development
• At least 10 years’ experience in institutional analysis and diagnosis and in developing and implementing Public Sector modernization strategies

Contact Information:

Public Procurement Officer
The Early Childhood Commission
7-9 Harbour Street, Kingston
(876) 553-6033

Download of Bid Document:

Bidding documents are available for download on the GOJ Electronic Procurement portal ( as at Monday, March 10, 2025

Deadline for Submission:

Bids must be submitted online only via the GOJ Electronic Procurement portal no later than Thursday March 31, 2025 at 2:00pm