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[trx_accordion_item title=”Where can I get a copy of the Early Childhood Curricula?”]

  1. All ECIs that have applied for registration will be provided with a copy of the Curricula.
  2. The National Curricula approved by the ECC is posted here on our website.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What will happen to the teachers who are not qualified or not trained but have been working for years?”]
Opportunities are available for them to access training at the various teacher training colleges and vocational training centres islandwide. Subsidized programmes are available at HEART TRUST Institutions.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What time frame will practitioners get to meet the basic training requirements?”]
A reasonable time frame will be established based on individual ECI needs and the availability of the training institutions to meet the needs of the sector. Basic entry level ECI training programmes take 9 months to complete.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What will to ECIs whose Boards or Management Committees are inactive?”]
It is strongly recommended that each ECI has a functioning Board or Management Committee as ECIs, like all other organizations, need management structure to operate effectively.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Under what condition would an ECI be ordered closed?”]
An ECI would be recommended to the Minister of Education and the Public Health Department for closure if there is a clear and present danger to the health and safety of the children, or if the ECI fails to respond to guidelines for improvement.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Who will pay for the equipment needed by an ECI to meet the requirements of the EC Act & Regulations?”]
The operator will be responsible for providing the funds to meet the needs of the ECI. These funds can be obtained from fees, fundraising activities or donations from other entities.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Who will pay for the Food Handler’s Permit, Police Records and Medical Certificates for employees of a ECI?”]
The early childhood employees themselves are responsible, except in cases where the management of the ECI wishes to absorb the cost.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Will there be a standard job description form?”]
No. However, sample job description forms can be obtained from the ECC’s website.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What tangible incentive will ECI’s receive for meeting the requirements of the EC Act and Regulations?”]

  • The institution will be certified for operating in Jamaica and will be listed as an pproved ECI on the ECC’s website as well as in the Gazette
  • Parents are likely to choose ECIs that meet the legal requirements
  • ECIs will be assured that the services they provide for the children in their care are appropriate


[trx_accordion_item title=”Will all members of ECI boards need to be trained in Early Childhood Development?”]
No. Only those members who are directly involve in the day-to-day operations of the ECI.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Does an early childhood practitioner who already has a primary Education Diploma but works in an ECI need to be certified in ECD?”]
Not if the practitioner’s programme include training in ECD. However, if the programme did not include ECD, practitioners will need to be trained in ECD.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What will happen to ECIs with no kitchen facility but prepare meals on wood flames?”]
Open flames are dangerous for small children. It is preferable that ECIs do not have open flames, however, the Jamaica Fire Brigade will give guidance to each ECI on the appropriateness of the facilities they are using.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Will the ECC be responsible for paying the practitioners?”]
No. The ECC does not employ practitioners. Practitioners are employed to the ECIs by the respective Management Committees.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Will the ECC set up a Health Insurance Scheme for practitioners?”]
The ECC does not employ practitioners and therefore cannot set up a health Insurance Scheme. However, Management Committees may do so for their staff.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What additional training sessions will be provided for practitioners?”]
Early Childhood Development Officers will provide training for practitioners.

[trx_accordion_item title=”If practitioners rent the space that they use for the programme and the owner does not want to invest the money needed to meet the EC Act and Regulations, what can they do?”]
All premises that have ECIs must comply with the law. If the landlord refuses to make the improvements the operator will need to seek other help to make improvements, or seek new premises.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What will happen to the ECIs that do not meet the requirements of the EC Act and Regulations within the time given?”]
The ECI would be operating outside of the law and would run the risk of being recommended for closure if they do not show at the time of inspection that they are making progress towards meeting the legal requirements. However, each case will be assessed individually as the ECC seeks to encourage steps in the right direction, not shut down ECIs.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Do these laws apply to persons who provide day care services for children in their homes?”]
Yes, if they care for more than 4 children up to 6 years of age for at least 6 hours per day and for at least 4 days per week.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What assistance is available for those practitioners who need further training?”]
Available on ECC website is information on training courses and assistance for persons who need to upgrade their training. Many of these programmes also offer evening classes.

[trx_accordion_item title=”How can the privacy of a child with HIV/AIDS be protected? Who should be told?”]

  • Based on the MoE National Policy for HIV/AIDS Management in school, no student (parent of student), or educator, can be forced to disclose a child’s HIV/AIDS status to the school or staff.
  • If parents choose to disclose a child’s HIV/AIDS status to the appropriate school authority, they should be welcomed, however, the school must ensure confidentiality and prevent any discrimination.


[trx_accordion_item title=”What is expected of an ECI if it receives an application from the parents of a severely disabled child?”]

  • Children with disabilities have a right to an education. The law states that ECIs must include children with disabilities and must do their best to encourage the participation of children wit disability in all activities. However, parents are required to provide any special equipment the child may need (e.g. a wheel chair) while at the institution.
  • Discuss with the parents the best way in which the needs of the child can be met.


[trx_accordion_item title=”Do these requirements apply to children in children’s homes and places of safety?”]
Yes, but only for those providing care for children six years and under as stated in the EC Act 2005.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What should parents do if the requirements of the EC Act and Regulations are not being met by the operator of an ECI that cares for their children?”]

  • First speak with the operator; effort may be underway to make improvements.
  • Offer your help.
  • Raise issues at PTA meetings and seek solutions.
  • Report the matter to the ECC if concerns are still not being addressed. Reports to the ECC must be made in writing.


[trx_accordion_item title=”Does the ECC dictate fees charged at the ECI?”]
No. The ECC cannot determine or dictate fees charged in ECIs. That is an administrative function of the ECIs.

[trx_accordion_item title=”What do I do if my child is beaten at school?”]
A formal complaint should be made to the ECC. This complaint should be in a written format.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Should a child be turned away for unpaid fees?”]
It is recommended that no child should be turned away from the institution. Parents should meet with the institution’s administration to determine the best course of action to be taken (e.g. payment plan).

[trx_accordion_item title=”Does the ECC have a complaint process?”]
When a parent is dissatisfied with the decision of the institution’s administration, a formal complaint should be submitted in writing to the ECC.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Does the ECC recommend ECI’s to parents?”]
No. The ECC cannot recommend ECIs. You may visit the ECC’s website to view listing of ECIs that have applied for registration.

[trx_accordion_item title=”How do I choose an ECI for my child?”]
It is in the best interest of the parents to visit the ECC’s website to find out if the institution has applied for registration. A listing is provided with relevant information. It is recommended that parents view the standards and ask questions accordingly. Parents are also encouraged to visit the ECI and observe best practices before making a decision.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Will the ECC provide land for building of schools?”]
No. The ECC is an agency of the MoE and as such does not own land.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Does the ECC provide scholarship to teachers?”]
No. A listing of agencies that provide assistance is available on the website.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Do I need to register with the Companies Office of Jamaica? What is required?”]
Yes. To get relevant information, contact should be made to the Companies Office of Jamaica.

[trx_accordion_item title=”How do I get a TRN for my institution?”]
Having submitted a complete application, a request should be made to the ECC, for a letter to be taken to the Tax Administration Department.

[trx_accordion_item title=”How do I apply for grants and salary subsidy?”]
Grants and subsidies are applied for by the Chairman of the Management Committee or the Principal. The applications should then be submitted to the Development Officer. For further information you may view the “Management and Administrative Guide for Early Childhood Institutions” that is posted on our website.

[trx_accordion_item title=”Does the ECC place trained teachers?”]
No. However, the ECC collaborates with the MoE in the interview and placement process of trained teachers.

[trx_accordion_item title=”How can I get play equipment, learning materials and teaching resources for my ECI?”]
Play equipment and learning materials can be sourced through:

  1. Local and international development partners/donors. That listing can be found on our website.
  2. Call or visit your Parish Early Childhood Resource Centre for teaching and learning best practices. The Early Childhood Resource Centre directory can be found on our website.


[trx_accordion_item title=”Should all employees have a TRN and NIS?”]
Yes. To get relevant information, contact should be made to any Tax Administration Office or Revenue Service Centre to apply for a TRN, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, parish offices to apply for the NIS number.

[trx_accordion_item title=”How do I apply for expungement?”]
Expungement is the process of having a conviction removed from one’s criminal or police record after a specific period of time has elapsed and after certain requirements have been met.
For further information visit the Ministry of Justice’s website at www.moj.gov.jm
