In 2008, the ECC supported the implementation of the Government of Jamaica’s first National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2008-2013 for Early Childhood Development (ECD). The plan served as a roadmap for improving the quality of ECD in the country. The NSP is a five-year plan, which takes into consideration all areas of early childhood development.
1. Effective Parenting Education and Support- Provide parents and caregivers with the
support and training they need to effectively raise young children.
2. Effective Preventive Healthcare- Ensure that a health system that takes good care of
children and works with parents to avoid preventable illnesses is in place.
3. Early and effective screening, diagnosis and intervention- Provide good screening
systems in place so that children who are at risk for health, behavioural,
developmental or learning problems or who live in situations that could harm their
development can be identified early.
4. Safe, learner-centred, well-maintained ECIs-Ensure that early childhood institutions
are safe, well-maintained and nurturing and able to meet the developmental needs of
5. Effective curriculum delivery by trained early childhood development practitioners-
Ensure that all early childhood practitioners are trained to help children develop and
reach their full potential.
6. A coordinated approach to the delivery of ECD Services- All persons and
organizations who work with children or provide programmes and services for them
must work together to achieve the targets set.
7. Evidence-based decision making- decisions on how to improve the quality of early
childhood development in Jamaica must be made based on timely, clear, current, and
accurate information.
8. Public Education – Provide the nation with information about the sector through
traditional and non-traditional media platforms.
9. Resource Mobilisation- Seek donor partnerships to support ECD activities.
A second National Strategic Plan (2013-2018) was developed which continued to guide the ECC in its role to regulate and coordinate the ECD sector in Jamaica. The National Strategic Plans proved useful in its function to guide the work of the Early Childhood Commission by creating impactful and lasting change to the young children of Jamaica.
The early childhood sector in Jamaica has seen many shifts since the previous National Strategic Plans (2008-2013 and 2013-2018) were developed. The shifts include the growth of the sector, major investments from donors, both local and international, and the strong support of the government. Jamaica leads the region in improvements in the early childhood sector.
The current National Strategic Plan (2018-2023) builds on the foundations of the two previous National Strategic Plans, in providing a roadmap to the ECC in its regulatory and coordinating capacity as the caretakers of early childhood development in Jamaica.