[vc_row][vc_column][trx_title type=”3″ color=”#0033ff”]Hayes Primary & Infant Department[/trx_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_gallery interval=”3″ img_size=”600*400″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Address: Hayes P. O.
Operator: Hughroy Blake
Telephone: 986-5570/369-6457
Email: hayes.primary.cla@moey.gov.jm/blakeroy3@gmail.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1543246695965{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;background-color: #eded00 !important;}”]NEEDS:
- Police records needed for nine practitioners and support staff.
- Five Practitioners to be trained in paediatric first aid, four in OCR and five in public health.
- Seven practitioners to complete medical.
- Caregivers to suit teacher student ratio.
- Practitioners to consistently complete Programme Plans –Weekly, daily activity plans, correct timetable emphasizing the daily activities for the entire week.
- Practitioners to complete program plans, making them flexible relating to environmental changes and a variety of activities including: indoor and outdoor play.
- Individual and group activities.
- Quiet and active play.
- Child centered and teacher directed activities.
- Practitioners to complete weekly observations of the children’s progress.
- Practitioners to record daily observations of the children’s interests, their daily experiences in their families, communities and cultures, and their likes and dislikes.
- Conduct developmental reviews and record.
- Develop rota for the cleaning of toys and of all items in the different areas.
- Display Children’s work.
- Print all 8 plans and policies.
- Building approval from the Parish Council.
- Attain self-sufficient status during operation hours.
- Approval from fire department.
- Sickbay to be established;6 4 ft bulbs to increase lighting.
- Chlorine re-agent to make water potable.
- Trees to create shade on playground.
- Ramp and other facilities to cater to disability.
- Label exits from the classroom areas;Relocate playground equipment to gain 6 ft falling surface.
- Disposable towels in bathroom area.
- Conduct and record earthquake and fire drills;Display emergency telephone numbers.
- Electrical coverings for sockets in classroom.
- Food handlers needed for 9 practitioners and support staff.
- Update children’s files with the following: a food and drug allergy record; an accident and incident report form; the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted in case of emergency.
- A listing of persons authorized to collect the child.
- An attendance record.
- An immunization record.
- A medical report.
- A written record for those with special dietary needs.
- A photograph, current assessment reports and the child’s name, gender and date of birth.
- Update personal files with the following: a job description, list of the person’s qualifications, a medical certificate of health, and a party to be notified in case of emergency single party to be notified in case of emergency.
- Status letter re: reporting of new staff employment.
- Complete fixed asset register;Update financial records.
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