
An integrated and coordinated delivery of high quality early childhood programmes and services, which provide equity and access for children zero to eight years within healthy, safe and nurturing environments.


All children having access to quality early childhood development services enabling the realization of their full potential.

Our Pledge to Jamaica’s Children

We, Jamaica’s parents and caregivers, pledge to think and act in the best interest of our nation’s foundation. We know that young children, especially below the age of nine, need our consistent love, support and protection to ensure their full development. Therefore:

We pledge to listen to the dreams and concerns of our children, for unless we know of these, we cannot help with them.

We pledge to supervise our children and protect them from being killed or hurt by fires, accident or violence in and outside our homes, schools and communities.

We pledge to set aside regular times to play and laugh with our children, for it is through play that our children can learn sharing, rules, patience, and their social skills.

We pledge to promote self-discipline in children by setting good examples in resolving conflicts, modeling respect and good manners, and nurturing moral and spiritual values.

We pledge to avoid harsh words and unfair punishment of our children, and to apologize when we make mistakes and hurt their feelings.

We pledge to support our children’s learning and achievements by ensuring that they have good health and nutrition, as well as clean, safe and stimulating environments.

We pledge to support our children’s education not only with our money but with interest in their homework, school life and friends.

Under all conditions, we pledge to keep our promises to our children as mothers, fathers and guardians, for they are entitled to the best of us.

This pledge was developed for the Early Childhood Commission of Jamaica, with the substantive help of the following students from St. Peter Claver Primary School: Chevelle Allen, Nigel Brady, Renee Ellison, Imani Hepburn, Trichana Hines, Yaneekie Miller, Diajah Pendley, Cynara Reece, Michael Small, Kimberly Thomlinson, and Andean Waddell.